"deforestation free" supply chains: New EU Regulation approved
Court Ruling confirms 1 million euro sanction for origin labelling of durum wheat on Italian pasta
Triman logo - EU Commission opens an infringement procedure for French environmental labelling rules
The Italian Competition Authority (AGCM) sanctions the use of Nutri-score once again - VIVIL candies
Food safety: new limits for PFAS as contaminants
Food safety- compliant yet unsafe food: 2 recent ECJ rulings on microbiological criteria
What is food law and why is it important?
NutrInform Battery: the Italian alternative to Nutriscore is coming soon
European Court of Justice- The use of figurative signs evoking geographical areas and PDO's
Country of Origin Labelling: the Commission adopts the new regulation on primary ingredients
European Court of Justice's ruling on the use of registered PDO names in the trade names of comp
EU Food law: EU Commission Notice on Allergen Labelling
Italian food law: the government approves the new regulatory sanctions for violations of the FIC reg
Latest news on mandatory origin labelling for pasta in Italy
Acrylamide in food- EU establishes mitigation measures and benchmark levels